Eldar models

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little Update on the Farseer Bike

Evening fellowbloggers and readers,

after posting the last update on the Farseer bike I got to work on getting some more work done on it. It was about 3 hours after the update that I thoughed I was done for now. But since my GF took my camera I was forced to wait with taking pictures. So now on my Birthday I was able to get some pictures to Present you guys with What Will most likely be the End result for now.

Farseer Dragon Jetbike:

I hope you all like what I did with it! Now if you don't mind I'm going to get some more Beer

Cheers CJ


  1. I've fallen in love with this army concept, and I can't wait to see some paint on these beautiful bikes!

  2. Thanks Skrink to Fit. it's been a lot of work up to now but I beleive it will all be w worth it in the end.

    As for painting that will have to wait untill my entire army is assembled and greenstuffed. I need to have my models assembled before May 16th when I have my First ever Tournament.

    Cheers CJ

  3. Stunning work mate, the teeth are really very effective! Good job...

  4. Excellent work on the sculpting

  5. Thanks guys cool to see that what I thoughed would be a scrapper is actually turned into a nice model!

    Cheers CJ

  6. beautyfull sculpting!

    But, where did you get those cloaked legs from? they look fantasy but its such a perfect fit!
