Eldar models

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

spider hate

Well had a bit of a downer today. I enrolled in a tournament here for 9 october, and was hoping to bring my GT with the new spinners and see how the are doing in the tournament beta. but I was told that since they aren't in the codex I can't use the new rules.

on the upside however Imperial armour is allowed so I guess I'm taking them as the IA Nightspinners with their 7" blast template and transport capacity so I altered my GT list to fit with the new restrictions and come up with the following.

Farseer: doom, runes of warding, Spear (Psychic Defence& LD10)
Autarch: fusion gun (Reserve & LD10)

5 DA's, waveserpent (scatterlaser,ss) Farseer
5 DA's, waveserpent (scatterlaser,ss) Autarch
5 DA's, waveserpent (scatterlaser)
5 DA's, waveserpent (scatterlaser)
5 DA's (in nightspinner)
5 DA's (in nightspinner)

5 FD's, waveserpent (scatterlaser,ss)
5 FD's, waveserpent (scatterlaser,ss)

Heavy: 270

Totaal 1698 pts.

I had to drop some stuff (4 Spiritstones) to get the more expensive IA spinners in but nou I have 6 scoring units in gravtanks with 2 7"blast templates dropping in. Still it brings me to the following when is something considered to be codex legal if added later. Hoping that the GT will allow the rules will be totally bumbed if they don't.


  1. Weird that they are not allowing them. The white dwarf states they are official. At least this way you get the version that has a transport space =)

  2. true but no rending or movement rule(which is my mine point of taking them damm thing :P ).

    well they claim that since it isn't in the eldar codex it isn't allowed

  3. Stupid, IMO, if they allow IA rules.

    However, I do not agree about the Spinner.

    In my opinion, 'Official' merely means it is by GW, it is not Homebrew. Nowhere is it stated that you are meant to add the page to your Codex, and therefore that it is Tournament Legal. Not like old Chapter Approved stuff was. Frankly, I would disallow people it's use purely on the basis that it is rude to assume they can use it without seeking permission beforehand.

  4. Well to be honest myself TKE if someone would not allow me to play with it I would pack up my stuff and go. It's a perfectly legal model and rules.

    But the worst part about the tournament was that they said It wasn't allowed because not everyone can go into a GW and see the rules. but on the other hand they do allow IA which isn't even for sale in a store but only on-line trough Forge World.
